Fundamentals of Project Management

Length: 2-days
Target Audience: Employees responsible for managing projects or programs that require implementation and/or sustainability

Many public safety personnel are well-skilled in dealing with events/incidents that benefit from a rapid resolution. These employees often struggle, however, when given responsibilities or assignments requiring longer term management approaches such as: budgeting, tracking, interagency coordination, and oversight. This 2-day class is designed to fill this gap by assisting personnel charged with managing special projects/events, implementing a new piece of equipment, overseeing a capital project, or implementing new technology while assisting with orderly command/management transitions.


  • Name and apply project management terminology
  • Practice identifying project SCOPE
  • Review common types of projects managed within law enforcement
  • Define clear project goals, measurable deliverables, and milestones
  • Implement risk management techniques and mitigation strategies
  • Factor changing variables associated with the public safety environment
  • Estimate budgets, task work, and timelines
  • List the leadership skills needed to run projects across multiple divisions and partners
  • Analyze personal management tendencies and discuss relationships within the project team
  • Practice managing a simulated law enforcement project